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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Where is the L.O.V.E???

Hello and very good evening to all..

I’m sure u might have been thinking of what I meant with the topic as stated above. It is actually love of an adult, or simply to say a human being that can THINK  and give love towards a baby who is very innocent yet treasure us all. But WHY today there is still a human who neglects, and trash a baby just like that?!! Like a savage!  Don’t they ever feel guilty? Why in such world would they do that kind of thing when on a contrary animals do love their babies so much until they get into fierce when we as human tries to separate them!.Or even to touch!

I heard the news saying 7 cases of trashing baby have caused during New Year [so far]. What on earth they were thinking? Or preferably to say NOT THINKING?!.. if they can think as wisely as I am, or u(readers), should never do such things.. right?. don’t they ever wanted to see how their baby grow up? How they intends to sleep?

Don’t they look adorable?  Lets think a while, just imagine we were thrown away into garbage, how do we feel when we were born like that? Don’t you think it’s a very cruel thing for us to feel that way?! How about the babies that were born like that? Being trashed and die..the lucky ones might have lived but how will they actually feel when they know that their irresponsible parents have done to them..ofcourse they will feel horribly sad right?. So for those people out there do cherish and treasure your baby, for I believe they will brighten up your day everyday..they will look beautiful and handsome as your look when they grow up..give them love, don’t throw love away..



The topic and the song that appears in your blog really made me touched. I really agree with you and this should be aware for all people in this world..


i wanna cry..huhu..tetibe emo..hehe

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